The overall goal of ”Walk the Talk with Kim” is to inspire and empower individuals to: Take Action: Move beyond just talking about ideas or intentions and start implementing them. Live Authentically: Align daily actions with personal values and commitments. Drive Positive Change: Influence others positively by embodying the principles one advocates.

Friday Aug 10, 2012
August 8, 2012 - Rancha Laguna - Tina Laguna
Friday Aug 10, 2012
Friday Aug 10, 2012
How far would you be willing to go for an animal in need? At
Rancho Laguna’s HEART, Tina Laguna spares no hardship for her rescue horses.
Rancho Laguna takes in horses that are in need of rehabilitation and some TLC
to come back up to speed after experiencing devastating situations. These
horses then work in tandem with counselors in helping their patients overcome
their challenges. There are many unique volunteer and donation opportunities
with this amazing and giving organization! Check out www.rancholaguna.com for more
You’ve heard about Baby Boomers, Generation X, and perhaps
the Millennials… how about Generation Z? Kim interviews a wonderful panel of
Gen-Z kids and they discuss topics such as: 9/11, paying it forward, community,
volunteering, and more! There is no way to convey in words the wonderful things
these kids had to say, you’re going to have to listen for yourself! You just
may be surprised by how wise these 7-10 year olds are!

Thursday Aug 02, 2012
August 1, 2012 - Liberty Road Foundation - John Dammarell
Thursday Aug 02, 2012
Thursday Aug 02, 2012
We all know that there are incredible mission driven
organizations out there in the world, and most of us are aware that there are
companies that have the desire to help these organizations. Liberty Road
Foundation is there to bridge the gap between organizations and companies! This
truly win-win, non-profit for non-profits group helps connect business with
non-profits who benefit from such relationships. One of their first companies
they helped was on the verge of bankruptcy and looking at a downward slope.
After engaging with Liberty Road Foundation, this company had an astounding
turn-around that showcased how transformational volunteering can be for
employees, and as a result, the companies. Liberty Road Foundation teams up
with organizations such as Olive Crest, Jubilee Reach, and New Horizons.
Liberty Road Foundation hosts Business Leaders Breakfasts
every two weeks and they welcome newcomers! The next Breakfast is Tuesday the 7th
of August at the Sheraton in Bellevue from 7:30-8:30am.
On August 14th, Liberty Road Foundation is
hosting their annual Golf and Auction tournament in Newcastle! Have a team?
Want to compete? Fancy attending an auction to benefit a great group? Check it
out! www.lrfcharityevent.com
To learn more about Liberty Road Foundation, what they do,
and how you can get involved, visit www.libertyroadfoundation.org

Thursday Jul 26, 2012
July 25, 2012 - Pearson Law Hour - Michele Pearson
Thursday Jul 26, 2012
Thursday Jul 26, 2012
This month on Pearson Law Hour, Michele, Eric, and Lindsay
discuss the film “Hot Coffee,” ethics, and end of life documents. Do you know
the four types of end of life documents and what they do? This show is an
excellent resource to find out what they are, and a great brush up for those
who have the general understanding! Don’t miss out on this Pearson Law Hour,
presented by Walk the Talk with Kim.

Thursday Jul 19, 2012
July 18, 2012 - Footloose Sailing - Bob Ewing
Thursday Jul 19, 2012
Thursday Jul 19, 2012
When faced with a difficult or life-changing trial, there
are those who curl up and hide to protect themselves. Then, there are those
like Bob Ewing of Footloose Sailing who chose to make the best of the
situation, and then some! Following an accident after he graduated from
college, Bob found himself looking at the world in a little bit of a different
way. Bob has been with Footloose Sailing from the very start and is now one of
eleven board members of the organization.
Footloose offers sailing trips to those with disabilities of
all types. These trips give sailors the opportunity to leave their disability at
the dock and feel on top of the world as they enjoy the open water.
Participants are given three options: sit back and enjoy the ride, help out as
much as comfort allows, or start learning how to operate the vessel. This
wonderful gift Footloose gives to its participants is truly life changing.
Footloose currently operates on less than $20,000 a year and
offers classes at about $15/trip. However, this $15 can be too much for
deserving participants. If you are interested in setting up a scholarship with
Footloose or would like to volunteer on their trips, reach out!

Thursday Jul 12, 2012
July 11, 2012 - Women Sounders - Stephanie Cox
Thursday Jul 12, 2012
Thursday Jul 12, 2012
This week we were incredibly excited to have Stephanie Cox
from the Seattle Women Sounders. Stephanie plays as a defender for the Seattle
team and was in the fierce competition for the US Women’s team for the 2012
Olympics. Even though she didn’t make the cut, she wants to show girls and
young athletes not to give up when faced with a road block – she’s walking the
talk! Stephanie works with the Tacoma Kids for Christ and serves
as a stunning role model within the organization. She also recently went to
Phoenix, Arizona to work with foster kids at camp. Stephanie is a wonderful
example for young women everywhere as she works to accomplish her dreams while
continually raising the bar for herself, in addition to giving back to her
community in ways that satisfy her passion. Check out the Tacoma Kids for Christ and see how you can
join Stephanie and lend a helping hand! http://www.tacomayfc.org/

Thursday Jun 28, 2012
June 27, 2012 - Kulshan Environmental Services - David Roberts
Thursday Jun 28, 2012
Thursday Jun 28, 2012
What have you done
for your environment recently? If you don’t like your answer, then hopefully
this episode of Walk the Talk with Kim will inspire you to go out and be
proactive! David Roberts joined us from Kulshan Environmental Services from
Bellingham, Washington. Kulshan Environmental works with both individuals and
organizations/businesses to help better the environmental community. Kulshan
Environment also takes proactive steps, and helps take care of the land and
water before an issue arises!
Lake Padden is under the protective care of Kulshan’s loving
work. They’ve established a relationship with Western Washington University to
get college students involved and devoted to Lake Padden and the new
educational programs about it. Together, those who work toward keeping Lake
Padden a healthy landmark have created educational programs that focus on long
term solutions and goals for the lake. They’ve also raised $7,000 toward their
project! They have created “The Pledge” for citizens around Lake Padden which
can be found online at www.kulshanservices.com.
Want to learn more or get involved? Here’s how you can find
out more information!
Phone: 360.483.7341
Email: David@Kulshanservices.com
Website with information on the company: www.kulshanservices.com

Thursday Jun 21, 2012
June 20, 2012 - ACRS - Owen Lei
Thursday Jun 21, 2012
Thursday Jun 21, 2012
I’m thinking of an organization that caters to thousands of
clients a year, serves clients in over forty
different languages, and offers “culturally confident care.” Do you know who it
is? After you listen to this episode of Walk the Talk with Kim you will! The
Asian Counseling and Referral Service (ACRS) was founded in 1973 when attention
was brought to misdiagnoses in Asian immigrants in regards to behavioral
health. ACRS has grown beyond the initial spark and now offers a food bank, and
community support through activities and fun classes that provide a spirit lift
for various cultures.
The ACRS food bank is unique in the fact that it offers
foods that are staples in various cultures. The extra mile volunteers go truly
make a difference to those they service. Through this specialization, clients gain
comfort through “their food,” comfort that may be lacking in other aspects of
their lives. This food bank is open Mondays and Wednesdays in China Town in
Saturday, June 30th brings an exciting event for
those at the food bank of ACRS. The Walk for Rice will be taking place in
Seward Park. Walk for Rice is the only fundraiser for the year, and it allows
the organization to purchase their culturally appropriate supplies and foods.
They estimate about 1000 walkers will turn up… will you be number 1001? 8:00am
marks the beginning of registration, 9:00am cues the start of the festivities,
and 10:00am kicks off the walk. Monetary donations and donations of food are
Visit www.walkforrice.org
to learn more about the fundraiser on June 30th. To learn more about
ACRS and their services, visit www.acrs.org.
If you are interested in utilizing services or would like to volunteer, call

Thursday Jun 14, 2012
June 13, 2012 - CCFA and Team Challenge - Cody Geddes and Jackie Miller
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
Thursday Jun 14, 2012
Do you or someone you know suffer from an Irritable Bowel
Disease like Crohn’s or Colitis? If so, this is just the episode for you! Cody
Geddes and Jackie Miller joined us from the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of
America’s Team Challenge. Team Challenge is composed of a group of people who
get together, get in shape, get motivated, and go run a half marathon to raise
funds for research projects. You don’t have to have an IBD to participate
either; you just need that desire to walk the talk!
CCFA offers a wonderful community to those suffering from an
IBD. CCFA provides information and education sessions and puts on Camp Oasis
for children with an IBD. In addition to Team Challenge, you can participate in
the annual Take Steps, Be Heard fundraising walk. For more information about
these events, log on to www.ccfa.org.
Team Challenge is currently recruiting for the Rock and Roll
Marathon in Vegas! You can join Walk the Talk with Kim’s Media Producer,
Lindsay Masters, as she cruises down the Vegas strip on December 2nd.
Here’s how you can get involved and sign up for an info session:
Jackie Miller at Jackiem@ccfa.org
For Tacoma:
Email Cody Geddes at Cgeddes@ccfa.org
Don’t forget to join Jackie for the Bal Mar Event night for Team Challenge Tri on June 22nd from 7:30-10:00pm. If you mention that you heard about the event through Walk the Talk with Kim, your $10 donation will go toward Lindsay and her fundraising efforts! Visit the event Facebook page for more details: http://www.facebook.com/events/361631017236812/

Thursday Jun 07, 2012
June 6, 2012 - Helen Thayer
Thursday Jun 07, 2012
Thursday Jun 07, 2012
Helen Thayer began hiking and climbing at age 9, was a luge
champion for the United States, is the first woman to have walked to the
Magnetic North Pole, lived with a wolf pack for a year, walked 900 miles in the
Sahara Desert this last year, and is planning a trip to Northeast Ethiopia for
October of this year – at age 74! Helen has taken these expeditions and turned
them into learning opportunities for children through her program Adventure
Classroom, which helps raise awareness of cultural differences in the classroom.
She also has been a photographer, lecturer, and guide for National Geographic!
Helen believes that “age is no barrier of our dreams,” and you can be sure that
she walks the talk. When asked why those who live in such trying environments,
Helen told us “They’re at peace with themselves; they’re one with the world and
their environment… and they do a lot better than we do in many ways.”
Learn more about Helen Thayer and her incredible life in
these different ways:
Polar Dream
Three Among the Wolves
Walking the Gobi
Want to hear Helen speak in your classroom, to your office,
or organization? Contact her at Helen@helenthayer.com!

Wednesday May 30, 2012
May 30 2012 - Pearson Law Firm - Michele Pearson
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Do you have jury duty just around the corner? Have you ever
wondered about the origin of the jury? Michele Pearson introduced the Pearson Law Hour today for her monthly
Walk the Talk with Kim take over! Today we discussed juries and jury duty. Make
sure you don’t miss out on this intriguing episode – Eric and Lindsay sure
learned a lot in the studio!
Michele joined us from Pearson Law Firm today. You can learn
more about the firm at www.pearsonlawfirm.com
or you can submit an inquiry at www.pearsonlawfirm.com/contact-us/.
Expect expert representation, a wealth of experience and a kind,
compassionate attitude from Pearson Law Firm. That’s the Pearson Promise!