The overall goal of ”Walk the Talk with Kim” is to inspire and empower individuals to: Take Action: Move beyond just talking about ideas or intentions and start implementing them. Live Authentically: Align daily actions with personal values and commitments. Drive Positive Change: Influence others positively by embodying the principles one advocates.

Friday Feb 07, 2025
Millennial Leadership In Manufacturing 4.0
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025
This podcast explores the confluence of manufacturing, millennials, and leadership, particularly within the context of Manufacturing 4.0. It examines the challenges of attracting and retaining millennial talent in the manufacturing industry, which faces a perceived skills gap and an aging workforce. The research investigates how organizations can effectively develop millennial leaders to meet the evolving demands of Manufacturing 4.0, focusing on the need for new leadership behaviors and mindsets. Qualitative interviews with millennial leaders in manufacturing uncover perspectives on leadership development and how organizations can better prepare them to lead, attract, and retain a millennial workforce. Ultimately, the study seeks to provide insights into creating more effective leadership programs that address the unique needs and perspectives of millennial leaders in manufacturing.

Thursday Nov 08, 2012
Nov 7, 2012 - Audrey Slade, Kim and Eric talk the Election
Thursday Nov 08, 2012
Thursday Nov 08, 2012
Just when you thought you've had enough politics, the hacks come in to join the conversation! In the latest episode of Walk the Talk with Kim - we talk about why our state is so awesome, what does it mean that pot is legal and Kim gets on her soapbox about ending debates and learning to dialog!
Oh yea, Audrey talked about the opening of THE WHITE BOARD! We are so thrilled to have a space for collaboration and innovative thinking!! https://www.facebook.com/svwib#!/TheWhiteBoardIssaquah?fref=ts

Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Encompass NW and Kerry Beymer October 31st!
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Today, we talked with Kerry Beymer of Encompass about Halloween tips and tricks for the kids to keep it safe and fun! http://www.encompassnw.org/subcontent.aspx?SecID=117

Thursday Oct 18, 2012
October 17th, Joy Stephens and Steve Screen
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Thursday Oct 18, 2012
Fundraising from A to Z - a comprehensive study
- Inspire your board to give
- Build, cultivate and grow your donor base
- Plan innovative events
- Design an annual fund development plan
- Grant writing introduction
- Recruit corporate sponsors

Sunday Oct 07, 2012
October 3, 2012 - Set Her Free - Abbey White
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
How many slaves would you guess there are in the world right now? If you guessed 30 million, you would be correct. Slavery is at its highest it has ever been in the history of our world. Doesn’t that just send a chill up your spine? How much would you guess the human sex trafficking industry makes per year? $362 billion.
As staggering and depressing as those numbers are, the good news is this: there are caring and compassionate individuals and organizations that are helping victims not only recover, but learn skills that will help them in the future. Set Her Free is one such organization. Abbey White, a volunteer for Set Her Free joined us on the show to share the wonderful efforts and accomplishments this organization works towards.
Set Her Free is a safe haven for young women (average age between 10-12 years old) who have been freed from enslavement and sex trafficking. They teach these girls wonderful life skills that set them up to be self-sufficient, and to become wonderful teachers, role models, and mentors to younger girls. The young women in Uganda who benefit from Set Her Free help raise money for their organization by creating beautiful jewelry pieces (both Kim and Lindsay made purchases after the show) and selling them through volunteers here in the US. Watch www.walkthetalkwithkim.com and our store for jewelry purchases!
To learn more about helping this organization, what they do, how you can help, visit www.setherfree.org. To talk to the main US contact, Robin Nestler, call (815)-797-9SHF. To talk to our guest, Abbey White, email abbeyliz99@gmail.com or call 425.350.0647.

Sunday Oct 07, 2012
September 26, 2012 - Pearson Law Hour - Moms
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Sunday Oct 07, 2012
Moms – without them, we wouldn’t be here. We have all had one at some point in our lives, and even if our guiding figure wasn’t our birth mother, most of us are fortunate enough to have some sort of mother figure in our past or present. Some of us may even be mothers or mother figures right now. Michele Pearson dedicates this episode of Pearson Law Hour to her mother who recently passed away, and invites listeners to appreciate their mothers – both related and chosen – in our lives.

Friday Sep 21, 2012
September 19, 2012 - Seattle Jobs Initiative - Anne Keeney
Friday Sep 21, 2012
Friday Sep 21, 2012
Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime. Seattle Jobs Initiative definitely teaches their men and women to fish for a lifetime. Seattle Jobs Initiative helps minimum wage workers find higher education so they can find jobs that pay between $15-$25 an hour. They team up with employers, with Community Colleges, and business leaders in the community to teach their students exactly what they need to know, both hard skills and soft.
By 2018, it is predicted that 67% of jobs here in Washington State will require education beyond high school. Seattle Jobs Initiative is helping prepare their students for this rise in requirement, and hopes to set their students up to pursue education beyond Community College. They have found that their students really want to be there and have a rekindled love of learning. They really want to be successful and to be able to provide for their loved ones.
To learn more about Seattle Jobs Initiative, visit http://www.seattlejobsinitiative.com/
If you would like to become involved or would like to volunteer or donate, you may contact Anne Keeney at: 206-628-6970
Thursday Sep 13, 2012
September 12, 2012 - Zelda - Denise Paulette
Thursday Sep 13, 2012
Thursday Sep 13, 2012
Who’s got crazy stories about fliers, a desk, and a Scot on
a Vespa? Denise Paulette does, that’s who! Denise performs a one woman show
about Zelda Fitzgerald and just got back from the Fringe Festival in Scotland.
Talk about a strong, independent woman; Denise fundraised her way to the Fringe
and had a life changing experience abroad.
Denise had a rare opportunity to go and live her passion for
three weeks straight. On our show this week, she talked about her three weeks,
and what it was like to live and breathe acting and the stage. Hear her stories
about a wacky taxi driver, and some of the unique theatre spaces that were
offered during the Fringe. We would love to share more with you, but we don’t
want to spoil the fun! You’re just going to have to listen to Denise on this
week’s show!

Friday Sep 07, 2012
Walk Talk Kim Compass Outdoor Mentorship Luke Talbott
Friday Sep 07, 2012
Friday Sep 07, 2012
How does your child do in school? Do they have a tough time
meshing with the public school system? Do they go above and beyond, and find
themselves bored with the curriculum? Walk the Talk with Kim talks about adults
finding their passions and changing the world, but how about kids? Compass
Outdoor Adventure is excited to announce a brand new after school mentorship
program for kids that just aren’t getting what they need out of their schools.
Luke and his passionate team will work with their groups of
12 on a once weekly basis. Did I mention there’s a fun field trip involved too?
Mentors will work to discover each child’s passion and help align group field
trips around these passions or “elements”. Does your child LOVE Xbox? How about
a trip to Microsoft? What about bike riding? Let’s go to a bike shop!
Through acknowledging each child’s element, mentors will
help apply their passions to education. Compass wants everyone coming through
this program to become intrinsically curious and motivated when it comes to
their education! Want to find out more or register your child? Details and
registration will be available on the Compass website soon! www.compassoutdoor.org You may contact Luke at luke@compassoutdoor.org if you have

Thursday Aug 23, 2012
August 22, 2012 - Pay it Forward - Debby Peterman
Thursday Aug 23, 2012
Thursday Aug 23, 2012
Have you ever been in line for coffee and the person before
you paid for your coffee? Ever had a stranger anonymously pick up your tab in a
restaurant before? Has a neighbor randomly brought you cookies and a smile?
Better yet, have you done any of these things for someone else?
This week’s show is all about paying it forward, doing good
for others without expecting return. The Snoqualmie Valley Women in Business is
hosting Pay it Forward week from October 14th-October 21st
and is involving schools, churches, businesses, and most importantly,
individuals. “PIF” cards will be distributed throughout the Snoqualmie Valley
and will be passed along as citizens perform random acts of kindness for one
another. There will be a kick off movie event on October 10th at the
North Bend Theatre for those ready to jump into the spirit of “piffing” one
Our wonderful host, Kim Arellano, also took some time to
share her experience assisting those affected by the Taylor Bridge fire. Hear
how she rallied support in her community and ventured East to deliver supplies –
in short, hear how she is walking the talk!